Current PHP version: 5.2.17 Exploring the third dimension Advent Calendar on Sustainable Development

Exploring the third dimension

Today we present three innovative Swiss start-ups that work with the «third dimension» in a creative way.

Sustainable footwear from the 3D printer | With URBNC3, you get customized sandals based on the latest 3D technologies. Simply scan your feet with your smartphone. To optimize the ecological footprint, materials such as cactus or apple leather and water-soluble glues are used, which are bio-based and industrially compostable. Worn-out shoes are taken back for recycling and upcycling of the components. URBNC3 is one of the first commercial providers to 3D print shoe soles from bio-based raw materials.

Learning in a 3-dimensional mobile network The Netzwelten - Learning in moving project, which deals with the question of how children learn in motion, questions traditional teaching methods and the static sitting posture.

Energy from the depths, amazingly easy to generate | The EPFL Lausanne spin-off generates sustainable energy from the underground parking garage. The panels with complex inner workings developed for this purpose work according to the principle of near-surface geothermal energy.

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The «Netzwelten – Learning in moving» project, which looks at how children learn in movement, challenges traditional teaching methods and the static seated setting. Today, the importance of movement in daily life and its health benefits are widely recognised. This understanding also extends to education. Launched in 2021, this has enabled the concept of a school of movement to be trialled for two years in two different primary schools.

Das Spin-off der EPFL Lausanne gewinnt nachhaltige Energie aus der Tiefgarage. Die dafür entwickelten Paneele mit komplexem Innenleben funktionieren nach dem Prinzip der Oberflächennahen Geothermie. So können im Sommer die kühlen Temperaturen und im Winter die Wärme genutzt werden.