Current PHP version: 5.2.17 «I know it, I know it!» Advent Calendar on Sustainable Development

«I know it, I know it!»

In order to check out what «sea turtles» see, schoolchildren look at the screen through vision-restricting glasses and have to decide whether the photos presented are jellyfish (food) or plastic bags. The game is fun, and at the same time thought provoking. Today we invite you to dive into the world of fish along with a project by Fair Fish for pupils.

A suitcase with diving goggles and game ideas | With a suitcase full of silver cardboard fish, a blue cloth sea and casual game ideas, Larissa Puma awakens the children's interest in the ocean and the creatures in it. After a short round of introductions, pairs of divers assemble imaginary diving goggles, colorful fish swim across a large screen, corals move and tuna chase after schools of fish. And then the children put themselves in the shoes of a turtle.

"We're overfishing!" | Then we switch to the fishing industry. The children are given drawn boats and fishing gear. They roll the dice and fish the glittering cardboard fish, and soon there are almost none left in the sea. The children quickly realize what is at stake: "We are overfishing!". Bycatch and the suffering of dying fish are also discussed. Together, the children develop solutions such as eating less fish, eating better caught fish, taking the fish test from fair-fish, producing less waste. The children also learn what they can glean from the information on fish packaging about animal suffering, bycatch and the destruction of the seabed.

Donate for free marine school | Teachers can register with fair-fish ( to benefit from free lessons. We are collecting donations on the There-for-you platform so that we can offer it free of charge. Please donate so that children can learn to respect the ocean and its creatures:

Learn more about fish in the fish test and the FairFish database

Today's quiz     

Das Schulprojekt von Fair Fisch lädt zum spielerischen Kennenlernen der Fischwelt ein und regt die Kinder an, die Fische als Lebewesen wahrzunehmen ... (Fotografin: Gisela Schneider)

... und sich über einen nachhaltigen Fischkonsum Gedanken zu machen. Sie können das Projekt sehr gerne Lehrpersonen empfehlen und mit einer Spende unterstützen!
In the fair fish database, Fair Fish works with research groups from all over the world to compile data on the welfare of fish, which is incorporated into the Fish Test, for example.