Current PHP version: 5.2.17 Will food packaging ever be safe? Advent Calendar on Sustainable Development

Will food packaging ever be safe?

We are familiar with the images of the ocean and soil riddled with plastic. Even those who avoid it are confronted with a lot of plastic packaging during the gift-giving season... How dangerous is plastic for our health? Did you know that there are over 16,000 chemicals used in food packaging? How and when do chemicals from plastic get into food? How useful is plastic recycling? Today we invite you to an expert chat. Jane Muncke, head of the Plastic Packaging Forum, answers questions about plastic, food and health.

Scientific research and independent education | The Food Packaging Forum Foundation is actively engaged at international level to promote global standards for safe food packaging. Working with governments, NGOs and other organizations, it strengthens global efforts to reduce the use of plastic and promote healthy alternatives. Founded in 2012, the Forum's mission is to empower all stakeholders to make better decisions by using the latest scientific evidence on chemicals in food contact materials and the environmental impact of food packaging. Through its independent, balanced and science-based publications and tools, the Food Packaging Forum contributes to the protection of human and environmental health.

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